This holiday, the office of Councilwoman Heather Hutt had all the right stuffing! Yesterday, The Council Office in partnership with the Los Angeles Sparks, Mothers in Action, and Community Build hosted a turkey giveaway for local families in the community.
“I know that this only puts a dent in a long-standing issue of food insecurity, my hope is that this event helped to ease financial burdens and provide resources to families experiencing food insecurity,” said Councilwoman Heather Hutt. “I am grateful to be able to give back to those who need it most.”
Beginning at 9am, the Office of Councilwoman Heather Hutt was able to provide over 1400 turkeys and food boxes to the community. Several local leaders were onsite in support of the event including; Mayor Karen Bass, LA Sparks VP of Community Relations & Social Impact, Natalie White and General Manager for Street services, Keith Mozee.
“Especially now, our city should be doing everything we can to help Angelenos in need. Thank you to Councilwoman Heather Hutt and to all of our community partners and volunteers who came out to ensure our neighbors are cared for,” said Mayor Karen Bass.
“When you show the community you care, it will result in an abundance of hope and progress for all people. Thank you Councilwoman Heather Hutt and your team for allowing the Los Angeles Sparks to join forces to help those in need,” said Natalie White, VP Community Relations & Social Impact.
For more information, please visit: For more information, please visit: https://councildistrict10.lacity.gov.